Things Keeping Us Going: Make Art, Not War Edition

As Sick Pilgrim has evolved, there have been lots and lots of discussions, meetings, and plans to move to our own independent website, and use that website to create something broader than what we have been—like a virtual artist collective where we can collaborate, post writing pieces across genres, teach classes, stream performances, share ourContinue reading “Things Keeping Us Going: Make Art, Not War Edition”

Catching Our Breath: 2022 Sick Pilgrim Lenten Series

The year since last Ash Wednesday has been A LOT. The seemingly never-ending pandemic, wrath of God weather (ice in Texas?! 100+degree weeks in western Canada and the Pacific Northwest?! Snow in the Carolinas?!…), political unrest here in the US and around the world, and now Russia has invaded Ukraine? It’s all too much. MuchContinue reading “Catching Our Breath: 2022 Sick Pilgrim Lenten Series”